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How to Create a Luxury Spa in Your Home

The Oxford Dictionary’s definition of a spa is “a bath containing hot aerated water”, I guess you could say that “spa” is a fancy word for a “hot bath”. By this definition you could very well have a private spa in your home already! However I think when most of us think of the word “spa”, we think of a luxuriously appointed space oozing tranquillity and calm, nourishing refreshments with meditative music in the background where your mind, body and soul are pampered and recharged. Now wouldn’t you prefer that in your home, rather than just a hot bath?

A professional spa session can set you back quite a lot, sometimes even up to hundreds of pounds. However if you were to create a spa environment in your own home, then you can use it literally whenever you want. Planning, reservations and logistics are yours to command. And of course it will be way cheaper, all you need are a few accessories in your home.

Here, you can choose the accessories that are important to you. Choose items and props that delight you and help you relax. This is, after all, your time and no-one else’s. Alternatively you can try to imitate what your favourite spa is doing and recreate the themes or ambience that they emanate.

Personally, I could not go a week without a nice, ridiculously long and super hot bath. If my schedule allows, I try and aim for doing that two times a week! While I would love to do this every night, life and family mean that I need to limit my sessions and thus make the most out of each one. Hence, I came up with my own formula for a relaxing and luxurious spa session at home. It has now become a ritual for me.

Here is how I do it:

Before everything else, and well in advance, I book off an evening with no interruptions. I even mark it in my calendar to ensure that I keep the evening free.

Then I make sure I have the following props and accessories:

  1. Epsom salts – I try to go for the organic ones.
  2. Candles, my current favourite is Night-Blooming Jasmine Terra Candle by P.F. Candle Co. As Elizabeth Drew from Osmology says, it is “filled with jasmine, this candle is perfect for long evenings of indulgent bathing. Jasmine has been used as a remedy for stress and fatigue for centuries, and also acts as an aphrodisiac.”
  3. Freshly cut flowers – I try to decorate my bathroom with fresh flowers as there is nothing more luxurious than fresh beautiful nature in your bathroom.
  4. Essential oil in my favourite lavender smell.
  5. A magazine – my favourite one for bath time is “Zwierciadło”, it’s a well written Polish magazine that has stimulating and thought provoking content along with inspiring recipes.
  6. Pen and paper – in a way, my bath is like a brainstorming session. During a bath I am relaxed and this is when the creative juices start flowing and when I have the most amazing ideas. I have to put them on paper so as not to lose them. It doesn’t matter if it gets wet from time to time! It only adds to the charm and character.
  7. My favourite spa music mix on my phone. But don’t forget to keep your phone far from the water!
  8. A hand towel within easy reach helps to keep the paper and magazine somewhat dry!
  9. A glass of water with a slice of lemon in it.
  10. And on occasion, a glass of white wine. My favourite for this ritual is   La Vida Bonita Moscatel as it’s deliciously medium sweet with gentle bubbles and a mere 5% Vol.

In the end, while your home bathroom will probably not magically turn into a luxury spa, you can turn it into a place of luxury that is right for you. With a few simple and readily available props and some planning, you can create an environment tailored just for you to help you relax and make the most out of your downtime. You can (and should!) have a number of home spa sessions so that you can try out different props and accessories such as different candles, essential oils or music. Find what works for you or just appreciate the subtle differences each time.

For now, I’m just going to soak it all in. Happy bathing!