Valentine’s Day In Lockdown

We Love The Magic Of Romance

If you have been following us for a while, you’ll know that we believe in romance. We love the magic it brings to our daily lives. Not only does it keep us warm and fuzzy, especially now during winter in the UK where we are in a third lockdown; it also inspires us. We feel inspired to cherish the magic of love and to look for its reminders everywhere we can. Usually for Valentine’s Day we would organise a romantic getaway, either in London or somewhere abroad. That getaway would most definitely involve a visit to a Michelin star restaurant. Wherever we went, and whatever we did, we tried to “enhance the romance” if you like.

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Following the Oyster Trail

Discomfort Zone on a Plate

For years, oysters to me were in too much of a discomfort zone for my palate to actually try them with an open mind. It was not only their slimy appearance but also the largely misunderstood way of eating them. I believed that you were supposed to slurp them down without chewing. I used to think, “What was the point?” I like my taste buds to enjoy the intricacies of my food, of the memories that taste evokes. I love learning about new flavours and experiencing new combinations of heat, acid, salt and fat. Slurping without chewing oysters offered none of that. To me, it was just a strange experience with a weird texture sliding down my throat. No, thank you!

And it’s not like I hadn’t given oysters a chance before. I had ordered them, or had them part of a tasting menu in decent restaurants around the world. What turned out to be red flags was that these restaurants only ever had one kind of oyster, and far from specialised in them.

Continue reading “Following the Oyster Trail”
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