Afternoon Tea 2.0 – Afternoon Tea Week during a Pandemic

Last year we talked to Eileen Donaghey, the Afternoon Tea Expert about all things afternoon tea. In our post, we gained an expert insight into this charming and quintessentially British ritual. This year, ahead of Afternoon Tea Week 2020, we wanted to know if and how the afternoon tea experience will evolve, given the current global pandemic and if this is the beginning of a version 2.0 of afternoon tea.

Given the ever-changing restrictions and limitations placed on restaurants, hotels and other areas of the hospitality sector, it remains unclear how venues could provide afternoon tea, if at all.

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Fine Dining Etiquette

In the World of Fine Dining – First Time?

During our lifetimes, we experience any number of firsts. First time walking, first day of school, first girl/boyfriend, first car. Sometimes these things just happen, yet other times they are momentous and possibly a little bit intimidating. Once such first that often sets the butterflies in the belly fluttering is entering the world of fine dining.

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