Afternoon Tea 2.0 – Afternoon Tea Week during a Pandemic

Last year we talked to Eileen Donaghey, the Afternoon Tea Expert about all things afternoon tea. In our post, we gained an expert insight into this charming and quintessentially British ritual. This year, ahead of Afternoon Tea Week 2020, we wanted to know if and how the afternoon tea experience will evolve, given the current global pandemic and if this is the beginning of a version 2.0 of afternoon tea.

Given the ever-changing restrictions and limitations placed on restaurants, hotels and other areas of the hospitality sector, it remains unclear how venues could provide afternoon tea, if at all.

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Good Hair Day – 6 Tips For Luxurious Hair Care At Home

While in lockdown we are, quite rightly, spending all of days at home. Our activities and priorities have changed drastically since the pandemic started and many of us needed to adjust into doing everything at home for the very first time. Just like our priorities, our focus has changed when it comes to our looks. At home we can afford to be more comfortable than professional in our looks. This not only goes for our choice of clothes, but also for our make-up routines and hair styling.

Ironically for me, this is the time when I started paying more attention to my hair and how I care for it. Being deprived of my regular visits to a hair salon, I started analysing what the routine my hairdresser was following to make my hair look its best. While the trim is not something I would be comfortable to imitate at home, the treatment, however, is. Here’s how I do it.

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Morocco – The Ultimate Destination For Affordable Luxury

Morocco is a diverse and culturally rich country. From snow-capped mountains to sand-filled deserts, the geography is as diverse as the experiences the country has to offer.

While there are many famous cities in Morocco (frankly, my dear), Marrakesh is one of the better places to enjoy the rich Moroccan culture, amazing cuisine and stunning experiences and it’s where we’ll be focusing our attention. Even if your budget is low, you can spend your time in Marrakesh in a luxurious way and get some serious bang for your buck.

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Where to get the perfect spa facial: the UK or the continent?

As we are headed towards winter, my thoughts meander more and more towards places where I can get some heat and feel cosy. Given it’s not always possible to escape to the tropics, a pampering spa day or weekend is the next best thing in my book. As we like to explore luxury value for money at Aspiring Snob, I thought a comparison of some of my favourite European spas would be perfect for this time of year.

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Comfort zone or adventure? Tips for work and pleasure travel

In my mind, there are two main reasons most people travel. Travelling for pleasure and travelling for work.

When you travel for pleasure, you are in a different frame of mind than when you travel for work. You might react completely differently to the same events. For instance, when I have to get up super early in order to set off for a work trip, I am a zombie. However, when I have to get up at the same time to set off for holidays, I am energised, curious and happy. Oddly, I am not tired but am waiting for the upcoming adventure. Unlike for a work trip, I actually relish seeing the sun come up knowing it means my holidays are about to begin.

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